Quotes and Creeds

·         Only through the blood of Jesus eternal brotherhood is possible.

·         If anyone is born from God the father, he is our brother in regardless of his anything.

·         Our brotherhood identity is foundamental for our unity.

·         All the differences between brothers are to be considered, as adjectives not subjective. (the   humbel, the weak,  the strong,  . . . brother)

·         We all are accountable and responsible for our brothers

·         Gospel brotherhood is to be demonstrated with both word and action

·         Any brothers love, which is not revealed with action, is dead.

·         Rejecting our brothers as a person for any good reason is being ignorant.

·         If my brother kills me, he is just the instrument, my real killer is the enemy behind

·         Love will be perfected in us if we can forgive and forget the pain that comes from our closest brothers.

·         All the pains we get from brothers today is compensated with the healing we have got from our older brother (Jesus)

·         The first fruit of death in the bible is manifested by killing the brother

·         Killing my brother is killing me

·         You have to kill me first in order to kill my brother.

·         We are living on earth in order to bring better life primerly to our brothers then to the world.

·         If my brother’s life is getting worst instead of better, my life on this earth is worthless.

·         Telling my brothers secrets and problems to outsider is inviting enemy to our family.

·         We are co-administrators and co-governors of the planet earth with our elder brother (Jesus) at least for 1000 years. 

·         The eternal  will and desire of God the Father, is to make every human being on earth become Jesus’s brother and his duplications.

·         We, his brothers, are commissioned to give our testimony about what our brother did for the world and call everybody to this eternal brotherhood

·         We make every possible effort on earth to let everybody become Jesus’s brother.

·         Human beings are suffering and dying just because they are not seeing the solution we found in our brother (Jesus.)

·         In our elder brother Jesus is the solutions for any problem.

·         The salvation in our brother Jesus might not be logical but is effective and sure.

·         Our world today is not benefiting from his solutions, not because they do not work, but because they do not seems workable and working.

·         A single brother worth, much more than the total sum of everything on this earth.       

·         As he  showed us love by paying his life, ours is subjected to same matter if necessary.     

·         For receiving our beloved brother in his second coming soon, we will prepare and decore our life and our world according to his test, design and desier.

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